Since I am constantly talking about the importance of social media on my blog, people often challenge me. They say things like: “How can it be so important? Facebook isn’t going to be around forever, right?”\n\nThe doubt lies in the fact that people do not know the difference between social media and social networking. Social… Read more »
AOL to Aol.
In recent weeks AOL, a brand we have long known and sort of forgotten about, has emerged with a new identity and brand with the new moniker “Aol.” (And yes, the period is included in the new name.) This new logo was designed by Wolff Olins, who designed controversial logos for London Olympics 2012, Wacom… Read more »
Creative Exercises
Creativity is a lot like the human body; it requires exercise and a healthy diet to stay in shape. Doing the same type of creative work all the time is like doing the same exercise every day. You need to mix it up to get results. Cross training the right side of the brain is… Read more »
All About You
Lately there has been an avalanche of marketing campaigns that are reminding us consumers that “It’s all about you.” From cell phones to internet providers to fast food companies everyone is ensuring us that all that matters is our wants, needs and preferences, Everything is (within reason of course) completely customizable for us the client. Although… Read more »
Good Design, Greater than the Sum of its Parts
People don’t always understand that design is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Good design is not achieved by only using a clever icon or an over-used design trend, but by an iterative process that involves time and careful consideration. At its core design is problem solving, we talk to… Read more »
Dear Recession, Thank You
Italicized items can be filled in by you the reader\n\nDear Recession,\n\nThe two years that you have been in my life have been the most unstable and yet transformative that our business/organization/department has ever seen (our balance sheet was particularly shocked by your arrival). \n\nWhen I first heard of you in 2007, I figured that after… Read more »
‘Tis the Season
Seeing as Thanksgiving is at the end of the week it reminded me about my recent post regarding Marketing season. During the hustle and bustle this time of year it is very common for companies to start winding down and putting things off until the next year. Instead of just waiting for January to roll… Read more »
Staying In Line Online
Our president Melissa has a knack for meeting clients in the most unexpected of places. On a couple of occasions a short conversation with a friendly cab driver turned into a contract or an overheard lunch conversation has become a business deal. So how does a simple conversation become a great opportunity? The answer is… Read more »
Are We Cheating Ourselves?
We downloaded an Apple app on our home computer last night. Walking from the kitchen to the office, I glanced at our newly installed program on the screen and did a double-take. The screen looked like a children’s book!\n \nChildren’s books have big shapes, are basic, friendly, and colorful. The ultra-simple usability movement, heralded by… Read more »
A Little Goes a Long Way
It’s pretty rare not to meet someone who doesn’t love chocolate. I mean what’s not to love about the sweet confection? It can, however, be enjoyed in different ways. There is your run-of-the-mill candy bar available at any store; satisfying yes, forgettable always. Then there is the pure quality and intense taste of a specialty… Read more »