People don’t always understand that design is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Good design is not achieved by only using a clever icon or an over-used design trend, but by an iterative process that involves time and careful consideration. At its core design is problem solving, we talk to clients about what they want and give them what they need to succeed. This involves (1) client input and direction, (2) the strategic goals of the organization and (3) excellent design execution.\n\nGood design is certainly not going to make a failing business get out of the red (these problems are usually much deeper). However it can help an organization better connect to its customers. Good design clarifies and simplifies. It makes messages more consumable allowing a business to capitalize on every single customer touch point. Case in point…a bad website. If it is difficult to navigate or the information is hard to read, you leave. Not only do you leave, but you leave frustrated. The impact of this is exponential. Interface design in this case, can make information on your site clear, easy to read, and as a result keep the user on the site. A successful design is the result of strategy, information architecture, copy writing, designing and programming that yields a happy user and in turn a satisfied customer.