For the past few weeks the nation has been consumed by Charlie Sheen. The notorious bad boy actor has been all over the press recently for his unusual behavior. Many speculate substance abuse while others are convinced this self proclaimed “Adonis with tiger blood” is having mental health problems. Although it seems absurd that your company could learn anything from a celebrity train wreck believe it or not there are a few lessons that can be taken away from this media frenzy.\n\n\n\nDo get noticed – While I certainly do not agree with Mr.Sheen’s approach for attention I do encourage a marketing campaign that is a little out the box. If you already follow this blog, then you know I am a big fan of giveaways, viral campaigns, and clever messaging as ways to add some pizzazz to your existing marketing efforts.\n\nDo use catchy one-liners – It is undeniable that the reason people are obsessed with Charlie sheen is his clever [or crazy] one liners. Consumable sound bytes resonate with your target audience and, if you’re lucky, can become part of their everyday speech (think about Nike’s Just Do It or the Army’s Be All That You Can Be.) Catchy messaging can go far beyond a campaign to give your brand sustainability.\n\nDo use social media – Much like Kanye West, after Charlie had his public breakdown, the celebrity joined Twitter and continued his media frenzy online. Using some of his more popular catch phrases as hash tags Sheen managed to extend his 15 min of fame. Whether it is Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or even just a blog, having a presence on social media is a great way for your company to connect with new audiences, help with search engine optimization and, just like Charlie Sheen, continue your offline momentum on a new channel.\n\nDon’t respond negatively – From TV execs to media personalities, part of Charlie Sheen’s antics have been to publicly insult anyone he feels [or has felt] offended by. With social media it is particularly important to know how to respond to negative feedback. If someone posts negative feedback on your company’s profile see that as an opportunity for customer service. Respond to the person and try and resolve their problem. Your other followers will appreciate your dedication. If someone is posting nasty comments that can not be resolved simply ignore the posts. If the post are offensive to others and are happening very often you may want to block the user and delete their comments.\n\nDon’t confuse your audience – Although people are living the Sheen dream and loving all of the one liners, sometimes Charlie Sheen gets to into his own head and starts nonsensically rambling. When marketing your business it is important to stay on target and have clear messaging in all your communications.\n\nTaking these 5 lessons into consideration will keep your companies marketing efforts winning.