Spring Reset: Giving Yourself and (Your Brand) a Fresh Start

While we’re already wrapping up the first quarter, March feels like the time for a fresh start.

Between the longer days and the highly-anticipated winter thaw, spring gives us new hope and energy, making it the perfect time to start something new. From aligning to unplugging, our team shares how they reset, and how you can do the same for your brand.

Tip #1 | Declutter

“Clean and reorganize so you can have room to create.”


A fresh start means getting rid of things that are, well, not as fresh. Free yourself from distractions and allow space to bring new ideas to life.

Take decluttering literally or metaphorically; it can mean organizing your desk, or assessing your website for outdated content. When deciding what to cut, ask yourself, “Is this helping us achieve our goals today?” If not, get rid of it. (No wonder Marie Kondo’s Konmari method has become such a hit).

tip #2 | Unplug

“Like, really unplug.”


From texting and tweeting to watching and reading, we’re always plugged in. But screen time doesn’t always mean real connections.

Don’t get caught up in the race to post most—post smart. Social media may be important, but it’s also time-consuming. Take time to ask yourself what real value it’s bringing to your business. Based on that, you can manage your expectations and use it with intention.

 tip #3 | Reflect

“I reflect on how I’ve inhabited my space in the past year.”


Taking time to reflect on the highs (and lows) of the previous year can help you focus your energy forward.

When fine-tuning your strategy for the new year, there is no better input than reflecting on your experiences. Ask yourself: When were our customers happiest? When did my team flow? What wouldn’t I do again? The answers to these questions will help you focus on what you’re best at.

 tip #4 | align

“Align what’s important to you with what you do day-to-day.”


There’s only so much any one can do. At the start of the quarter, take time to think about your priorities and your values. Reconnect with what’s important.

Do an inventory of where you and your team are spending your time and resources. With that as a foundation, begin to eliminate what isn’t aligned, and plan to invest more time in what is. 

 tip #5 | Plan

“It’s better to pause and plan.”


Sometimes the best action is no action at all. Jumping headfirst can cause you to easily succumb to distraction. So after you reflect and align, take time to strategize.

The best brands have a plan. Write down where you want your brand to be this time next year; then determine how you’ll realistically use your resources to get there.

tip #6 | Ideate

“Start with fresh ideas and new to-dos.”


Get creative and envision your potential. Think about where you’d be if you had no limits. From there choose one thing you can do, and get to it.

Big ideas can be daunting, but it’s the first step in making change. Bring your team together for a brainstorm, and ask them to dream big. Determine which ideas have the most potential, and then think about how you’ll tackle them to push you ahead.

tip #7 | Dare

“There’s something so empowering about starting anew.”


Someone once said do something every day that scares you. That might be, well, too scary. But it’s the thought that counts. Because every time we start fresh, be it a new day or a new year, we seize the chance to push ourselves a little further.

Dare to do something different this year. Push your brand beyond its known boundaries, while staying true to your values. In turn, authentically bring new meaning to your brand.


Here’s to starting fresh.

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